The Rise of Influencer Marketing

There is a great chance that you might have come across brand advertisements that feature influencers. Whether it's giving their two cents on a product or service, or just posting them on their socials, there is no denying that these influencers greatly affect a brand's sales. They aren't called influencers for nothing after all. The difference between celebrities and influencers is the latter's flexibility — they can be found virtually everywhere! 

The whole idea about influencer marketing is working with people who create high impact conversations with audiences who can eventually become part of a brand's clientele. Given proper research, engagement, and support, these influencers can make sales reach higher percentages. 

Now, how do you know if influencer marketing is something your brand should look into and invest in? If you see that your brand is disconnected with customers, in need of brand awareness, or is trying to tap into a new market audience, you might want to give it a try. 

Understand Your Goals

What is it you want to achieve with your brand and how can influencer marketing help? Will it even work at all? Make sure to lay out your goals and find out which strategies work best for you.

Analyze your Industry

Who are your competitors in the industry? Is influencer marketing being done? Is it working for them? What group of audiences is your brand targeting and which influencer can best help you reach them? There is a lot of research and analysis that goes into picking out which influencers will work best for your campaigns in your respective industry. After all, a makeup guru doesn't fit quite well with construction companies, does it?

Lay Out Your Campaigns and Strategies

With every goal there is a plan, and within those plans are campaigns, projects, and its respective strategies. With all that laid out, ask yourself where influencer marketing will fit into such plans. Will your budget allow it? What platforms do you aim to hit and does the influencer you have in mind use such platforms? 

Once you've figured these out, you'll want to take note of the following:

Do Not Expect Immediate Results

Like a fruit bearing tree, these things will take time. Social Media Marketing as well as Influencer Marketing is a slow game that requires patience and proper nurturing. There is a lot to steadily build to placate a brand's credibility.

Do Not Take Just Any Influencer

Study each influencer and see how they've built their own brand. What trends and industries do they follow? Who have they worked with? What audience have they cultivated? Keep in mind that there is a lot of time, money, and risk involved in every move related to your business, and influencers are no exception. Work with someone who has taken the time to build their brand, properly connects with their audiences, is responsible with partnerships, and perfectly fits the criteria your brand is looking for in an influencer. 

In other words: don't just pick an influencer just because they're popular! Additionally, don't just invest in influencer marketing just because it's trendy and other companies seem to benefit from it. 

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